Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Naughty Leprechaun

Our home was visited by a naughty little leprechaun last night. Boy did he make a mess! There were little green footprints all over the floor, windows and doors. All of the pillows were off of the couches and the table chairs were all tipped over. There were books, papers and dolls everywhere!. The girls were so surprised and couldn't believe what a mess he made. Chloe kept saying "this house is a mess"! He even made our milk turn green! The leprechaun left a rainbow of skittles scattered around the house. Happy St Patricks Day!


About Me said...

That idea is too cute, I will have to remember that for next year!!

Anonymous said...

yeah! thats so fun! I hope one day the little guy will come to my home! lol

Kiley said...

that is the cutest idea!