Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Naughty Leprechaun

Our home was visited by a naughty little leprechaun last night. Boy did he make a mess! There were little green footprints all over the floor, windows and doors. All of the pillows were off of the couches and the table chairs were all tipped over. There were books, papers and dolls everywhere!. The girls were so surprised and couldn't believe what a mess he made. Chloe kept saying "this house is a mess"! He even made our milk turn green! The leprechaun left a rainbow of skittles scattered around the house. Happy St Patricks Day!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


After a year of saving and planning we finally made it to Hawaii.
  • DAY ONE: The trip started with a limo ride to the airport. We stopped at Dunken Donuts and girls felt like movie stars. They were so excited to get on the airplane. The flight there seemed to take forever. Because of a strong head wind it took an extra hour and that was a long time with three kids. Once we got there and got checked into our hotel we went and has some yummy fish and chips while watching the sun set.

  • DAY TWO: The next day we headed to Hanaumu Bay. This has been one of my favorite places to snorkle but this particular day the water wasn't very clear. The girls were kinda freaked out about the reef and the creatures living on it. The girls loved playing on the beach and we all had a great time.

  • DAY THREE: We spent the first half of the day at the beach playing in the sand. Later that afternoon we took a bus to Paradise Cove Luau. The luau was the favorite part of the trip for the girls. They got to take hold and take pictures of some tropical birds, go canoeing and play some games. During the dinner show Chris and the girls went on stage and learned the hula.

  • DAY FOUR - We took the circle island tour that went to the north shore and the Polynesian Cultrual Center. We also go to go by the Mormon temple which is being totally renovated and will not open until 2010. At the Cultral Center we visited, Somoa, Tonga, Tihiti and New Zealand. We also watched a canoe parade.

  • DAY FIVE - We were going to go whale watching but after a couple of hours on a bus the day before we decided to just relax by the pool at the hotel. Much to our surprise when we went down they had drained the pool! So we went to the beach and then to the pool at a sister hotel across the street. The tide came in later that day and the girls had a blast body surfing. Boy did they giggle.

  • DAY SIX - Up at 5:00 AM to catch an 8:00 flight....what was I thinking! The flight home only took about 5.5 hours.

We enjoyed having Grandma Char with us. It was a big help to have one child per adult. She even let Chris and I go to dinner by ourselves one night!

I need a vacation from my vacation!